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Collaborate with the Creative Alliance to concept and design a month-long social media campaign recruiting advocates for gender equality across all 50 states for USOW’s 2019 ambassador program.


Leverage the power of unheard voices to create an inclusive, grassroots-style call-to-action encouraging people of all genders to tag, nominate, and amplify other women.


#RaiseHerVoice generated a 70% increase in applications for the national advocacy organization’s annual ambassador push, empowering USOW to recruit it’s largest class of change-makers to date.

The United State of Women Hashtag
The United State of Women Quote Malala
The United State of Women Hashtag Purple
The United State of Women Laptop and iPhone

Designing for Good

Encouraging community and virality through a simple, sharable call-to-action.

As a member of the Creative Alliance, Trollbäck+Company works with organizations we feel are doing good in the world in collaboration with viral volunteer marketing producer Civic Nation. In 2019, we linked up with the United State of Women, a national advocacy group founded by first lady Michelle Obama pushing for female empowerment, grassroots activism, and women-led policy change in the United States.

Our campaign platform for USOW’s annual ambassador program worked to highlight USOW’s core mission to amplify the diverse and often unheard voices in the push for gender equality. The campaign centered around the line #RaiseHerVoice — a combination tagline, searchable hashtag, and nomination tool encouraging women to not only speak out but to organically spread the word about the program across platforms.

The United State of Women The Movement Has Spoken
The United State of Women 2018 Ambassador
The United State of Women Newsletter
The United State of Women Countdown

Campaign Toolkit

A multi-colored cache of 75 unique assets was designed to amplify the program across platforms.

A simple, bright, and colorful design system brought the #RaiseHerVoice campaign platform to life, using a variety of animated videos, quote cards, campaign flyers, Instagram stories, and more to showcase the needs and benefits of a more united state of women.

Attention-grabbing copy and graphic animations reinforced the metaphor and group’s eagerness to amplify every advocate—while keeping things simple enough for small-screen real estate on each social platform. By the end of the campaign, USOW’s ambassador application pool increased 70% from the previous year, exceeding the organization’s goal to recruit ambassadors in 35 states by 2019, and putting the organization well on its way toward connecting ambassadors in all 50 states by 2020.


Campaign Strategy –– Graphic Design –– Copywriting –– Illustration –– Animation –– Toolkits

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