Nine frames is a photography series produced by the Trollbäck staff. Each month, we assign a disposable camera to a single team member and ask them to capture their world. The idea is to show how different the world can look through the eyes of different people in this industry — designers, animators, strategists, filmmakers, and writers.
Design Director Nadia Husain writes, "When I take pictures with my phone I spend a lot of time finding the perfect angle, lighting, and focus, by taking like 30 pictures of the same thing. The unlimited memory actually increases the pressure on me to get the image perfect, instead of the moment. I relished the idea of only having 27 exposures. It made me feel like I had to focus on what I was taking a picture of, rather than how I was taking it. It forced me to simplify. And then live with the anxiety of knowing it might be imperfect. These photos are my perfect imperfect moments in New York City, Spring 2019."
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